
core values




(noun) A feeling of fellowship with others as a result of sharing common attitudes, interest, & goals.

Knowing where you are from only determines where you are heading. ATTIE sees the value in utilizing our surroundings as the core essence to who we are. To reference the African proverb, “it takes a village to raise a child”, this is the back bone concept behind ATTIE’s devotion to community. We see the significance in being contributors to one another’s well being and growth. This allows us to inspire, seed ideas, and spread a positive message from younger age groups to a much larger audience. The ATTIE project sees our approach to be the ‘bridging of the gap’ which gives us the ability to unite and be more selfless individuals. Community allows opportunities to connect with people, achieve goals, and gives us the feeling of safety and security; therefore it is imperative for every person to have a sense of community. We intend on utilizing ATTIE’s product and experience to spread a broader message to communities across the globe. Being the pivotal source for those as a testimonial of inspiration, expanding their ideas, and overall growth is our main focus. In as many ways as we possibly can, we strive to instill positive influence amongst our network and followers.


(noun) The action of working with someone to produce or create something.

It would be impossible for the ATTIE culture to flourish to it’s full potential without the help of other minds. ATTIE focuses on this value as being one of the rooted goals to our success. By integrating different minds, we are able to look at a product and produce atypical artifacts. Building with those who believe in our approach to create timeless work. Team building is a key factor companies rely on not only for growth amongst colleagues but also because it has proven to have a positive reflection on projects, ideas, and objectives. With collaborative work, productivity rises, the momentum of goals desired accelerates, and we are able to tap into innovation which is always a key element in the creative process. ATTIE sees the positivity that stems from collaboration and uses this as a passage to display the bigger picture, one hand washes the other; as both hands wash the face.


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(noun) showing a great deal of variety; very different.

To say ATTIE desires to influence one demographic background, would only be narrowing our ability to reach the masses. ATTIE would like our brand to represent individuals of all backgrounds. No matter race, gender, orientation, creed, our ideology is to influence and work alongside people of various origins. This allows us to tap into culture. The more culture we are exposed to, the more of a global representation we have towards our aspirations. With every product we produce, our optimal objective is to change the outlook of the mundane thought process and think outside the box. Once we are able to diversify our roots, we are then able to reduce fear, and improve our performance with the creative process.

ATTIE emphasizes the importance of uniting cultures as a progressive stepping stone. If we are able to grasp/understand someone else’s heritage, it’s a learning experience for both parties and education is a fundamental factor in life. The more we know the more places we are all liable to go in this lifetime.


(verb) The action or process of converting waste into reusable material.

ATTIE believes in the reconstruction of mankind. Therefore, our project initially began by taking malfunctioning wrist watches, which would be considered trash to some, and used them as our first canvas. It wasn’t long before we noticed the birth of a unique heirloom. Taking into more consideration, one man’s trash, is another man’s treasure, this became evident as a creative approach to being environmentally cognitive and having a positive reflection on Mother Nature. This concept also allowed us to flip the ATTIE project into two brackets, functional and non-functional timepieces. To break it down, after observing the attention our earlier ATTIE creations were receiving, people would also like to know the time which we couldn’t provide due to our watches being technically considered ‘trash’, which then we realized the literal creation of a ‘timeless’ timepiece.




(noun) Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. Concern about & well informed interest in a particular situation or development.

Our final value is cherished greatly because it entails all our values into the main objective. If it wasn’t for the recognition of our surroundings, Mother Nature, peers/colleagues, etc we would continue to live a temporal lifestyle, which isn’t something we wanted. Acknowledgement of individualization is something we strive for from birth. Within every moment lies a lesson to be learned, taught, or experience and should always alter your perception towards a more positive reinforcement. With our awareness value we would like to emphasis if it wasn’t for 1080p’s acknowledgement of his surroundings, and risk factors involved, the ATTIE idea may have had an alternate outcome. Awareness reminds us the importance of being present, and focusing on the now. We intend on utilizing this value with every approach alongside helping spread the word of those who share the same likeness.